Why do I have to use all of the employee benefits if I don’t need it?

Why should you and your company care about benefits utilization?

I haven’t heard any complaints about employee benefits. You’re just trying to sell me software I don’t need.

Based on our data, there are two main problems: 1) employees don’t know they can ask for changes in their benefits 2) employees have gotten used to not being heard from HR leaders that they don’t even bother to ask. If this wasn’t a worthy mission, we’d spend our time elsewhere.

As a company, we’re solving some of the issues. Why do I need emvest?

I need more for my international employees. Do you help with that?

Yes! Contact us so we can find the right solution for your employees.

I have a lean team and little time. Why should I try emvest?

A one-size-fits-all model for benefits for all employees doesn’t work. Personalized benefits packages are a key to retaining talent and driving benefits utilization. emvest can help you uncover whether your programs are adding value to your employees and how to think outside of the box to address specific needs across different groups of employees.